Industry work : The pack studio
My Concept Work
Anna’s helmet
Anna is our main character in the short, and she is our point of view in VR. To justify this in the story, she wears an “advanced technological helmet” that serves as a camera and records the diaries we watch in the headset.
These are my test designs for the helmet in greyscale and their silhouettes, and then the final design (A1) in color.
President’s Style
The President, aka Anna’s husband, exists already in the feature film Journey to Yourland.
In Letter From the Heart, we are taking a step back into the past, and he needed to look younger with minimal modeling changes.
These were my suggestions, along with an outfit pitch.
Furniture design
As part of exploring new environments, we needed some new furniture that would fit the existing ones from the movie. These were all part of the bedroom, where quite a lot of the more quiet moments happen.